A powerful tool for cleansing and purification made with Dragon Blood Resin and Mountain Sage. Dragon's blood is the bleeding red sap of a tree with woody and spicy floral scent. Mountain Sage has been considerd a sacred, Cleansing, Purifying, and Protective plant for Hundreds of years.
Benefits: Root Chakra, Antioxidant, Anti-inflamatory, Antimicrobial, Removes Negative Energies, Healing, Protection, Increased Potency.
Dragon Blood Sage
Set your intentions for your ritual and express gratitude to the Dragon's Blood Sage for helping us on our journey, then burn the sage, maintain your intentions while sage is smoking.
Never sage longer than 30 minutes a day. Open all windows and doors while saging so that trapped energy can remove ones self from sacred space.
Into this smoke, I release all energies that no longer serves my highest good,
Into this smoke I claim spiritual peace. Into this smoke, I only ask for peace, love and light.
Into this smoke, I ask for wealth & health for me and my family.
Into this smoke, I claim I am protection over myself and home.
Into this smoke, I am supported by the universe. Into this smoke, I am Loved by the universe daily. Into this smoke, I enjoy living my best life,
Ase and so it is.