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Using the Reiki Box to Manifest Your Goals By Enjoli Soul Scents LLC

Writer's picture: Enjoli Soul Scents LLCEnjoli Soul Scents LLC

Each year, there inevitably comes the desire to start fresh and create change. We begin by writing down our goals because we know we are 90% more likely to achieve what we desire if we write it down. Then we may create a plan that breaks each goal down into incremental doable steps. Then we assign a due date for each of those steps and voila – we have accomplished everything we set out to achieve by the end of the year – right?

In many cases somewhere along the way, we lose our motivation or are sidetracked by life and time passes and those lofty goals that we wrote with such fervor and excitement become mere letters on scrap paper that we find years later.

Here is something new you can try that I hope you will love.

Step 1: Create a Reiki Box Find a box that feels special to you. When you look at this box you will want to feel excited about the treasures that it holds inside.

Step 2: Create Your Ideal Life on PaperWrite out what your ideal day at work and at play looks like. From the moment you get up until the moment you go to sleep, describe everything from what surrounds you to the people you spend time with.

Step 3: Find the Feelings Now, review your idea life. There are actions and objects and people in it, but what you want to focus on is how you want to feel throughout those days. Do you want to feel free, loving, wealthy and inspired? Do you want to feel powerful, healthy, lean and joyful? Do you want to feel supported, connected, happy and healthy? Write out the feelings.

Step 4: Feel the Vibration Take some time and look at each feeling. Take the feeling into your body and allow each cell to resonate that feeling. Breathe energy into that feeling until you feel it infusing your body completely. Sit with that vibration. Do that with each feeling you have identified. Step 5: Write Your Feelings Out On Separate Small Pieces of Paper Write each feeling out on a small piece of paper that will fit nicely into your Reiki box.

Step 6: Hold Each Feeling and Resonate One by one, hold each piece of paper and feel that feeling. Once you have soaked your entire being in that feeling, place the paper in the Reiki box. Then take the next piece of paper and feel that feeling. Place it in your Reiki box.

Step 7: Beam Reiki to Your Reiki Box Now that all of your feelings/desires are in your Reiki box, release them and clear your mind. Ground yourself as you normally would before a Reiki session and set the intention that your desired feelings will draw in the Reiki energy they need to help you manifest your ideal life. Once the intention is set, clear your mind and allow Reiki to be drawn through you to your Reiki box. Your session can last as long as you feel it needs to.

Each day, ideally first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up take out each feeling/piece of paper and perform steps 6 and 7.

By letting Reiki energy infuse your desired feelings, you will be increasing your resonance with those feelings and like a magnet will transform your world to align with those feelings.

Try this for 30 days and share the miracles you create.

Love and Light,

Enjoli Master Reiki Teacher Level 2


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