In the depths of our souls so lost
Where pain and darkness reigns
A light flickers silently,
The hope of healing, it explains.

It's the light of spiritual healing,
Stronger than any earthly balm,
It whispers words of comfort,
And wraps us in a cosmic calm.
It's a soothing salve for our wounds,
And a balm for troubled minds,
It heals with each breath we take and release.
The universe sends us grace
To heal the wounds that mar our souls
And bring us to a peaceful place.
Relinquish fear and let it go
Allow the light to take control
For in its warmth and gentle embrace
Our wounded hearts become whole.
The journey to healing may be long
And the road may seem unclear
But with each step we take in faith
The path will become quite clear.
So surrender all your pain and grief
And release it to the Divine
For in its infinite wisdom and love
Your healing will truly shine.